Come along and hear about the lives of the first five artists in the Modern Women Artists series from the authors in person at one of these special events to launch the new series by Eiderdown Books.
(N.B Booking may be required. See individual websites for details on how to book).
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London Art Book Fair
Whitechapel Gallery, London
Thursday 5 - Sunday 8 September, daily
The official launch of Eiderdown Books - come and say hello and be among the first to pick up a copy of the Modern Women Artists books, meet the authors, booksignings, talks and more. /// Free.
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The Lives of Five Women Artists
Thursday 12 September 2019, 18.30 - 20.30
Join us at a very special evening with the authors in one of our favourite bookshops dedicated to books by and about women. Hear about the life and work of the five remarkable artists from the Modern Women Artists series and join the conversation about the work there is still to do in order to make the names and artistic achievements of female artists better known. // Limited availability, but you can pre-book tickets here.
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New Suns Festival - Book Fair
Barbican, London
Saturday 5 October 2019, 10.30 - 17.30
Eiderdown Books are thrilled to be at the New Suns Festival - a bookfair and day of talks, workshops and screenings, exploring contemporary feminism and technology. /// Free.
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Introducing: Modern Women Artists
Farley Farm, East Sussex
Sunday 6 October 2019, 16.00 - 17.00
We are delighted to be visiting Lee Miller's home for this afternoon event with another chance to meet some of the authors from the Modern Women Artists series, hear about the artists lives and have your copy signed. // Limited tickets - early booking advised.
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Trailblazers: Laura Knight and Marlow Moss
Pallant House Gallery, Chichester
Thursday 14 November 2019, 18.00 - 20.00
Talk on two artists by authors from the series followed by Q&A, a booksigning and a glass of wine /// SOLD OUT.